Hi, I’m renee.

I’ve always believed that there was something unique about the way I walked through life and how I perceived people and experiences. It wasn’t until my mid- 30’s that I made a conscious decision to learn and understand myself so that I could be the best version of myself personally and professionally.

I am a former school principal who spent over two decades as a strong, heart-led leader, supporting change and helping people find their true north. And although I found joy in different aspects of my career, I often felt like there was a calling for me that was much deeper than education.

In 2022, I made the decision to leave a 25-year career carrying my values, my strengths and my passion forward. I found myself weaving in and out of opportunity but not really finding my own true north—-until I started to share my story.

And my story has made all the difference. Women from all over started to connect with where I had been and as I listened, I heard a similar pattern of experiences: emotional exhaustion, lack of boundaries, a belief that there’s something greater out there.

Those connections, along with knowing what I value, became the reason I leaned into coaching.

Now, Soul Growth supports women in finding the life they love, and I couldn’t feel more aligned to this work.

My life is full of stories, opportunities, and experiences, and my hope is that my relationship with you is one where we get to share our journeys, learn from each other, and I get to support you finding your way back to yourself, so that you can live a life you love.

Nothing happens by chance. Every step we take, every move we make, is precisely meant for us and our journey. It’s why you’re here, reading this.

I can’t wait to meet you.

My Approach

It all begins with a thought, a dream, a vision for your future. You’ve been yearning for something more than what you currently have. It’s why you’re here searching for someone to support your journey back to you.

Dream it

We’ll explore the vision of your future and begin to set forth goals that are not only realistic but very possible. We’ll dismiss the noise and focus on what matters to you, and then move ourselves one step closer to fulfilling a desire, a dream, a life you love.

Build it

We’ll begin to set clear goals for our conversations, and start to build a plan for attacking those goals. But before we do, we’ll also get clear on the foundation we stand on, which is ourselves. We’ll make sure we have all of the tools in our toolbox to support our journey ahead.

ACt on it

We’ll dream the dreams, build the foundation, and then begin to take steps toward making this a reality. Once you see that putting one foot in front of the other and taking a step forward toward your dreams isn’t as scary as you think it is, you’ll want more of it.